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A generator of oligonucleotide-sensing ribozyme with YES Boolean logic function

Running the Oligonucleotide Sensing Ribozyme Generator:

To run the Oligonucleotide Sensing Ribozyme Generator program
1. Unzip the file you received
2. Open the folder you have extracted the files in the terminal window in Ubuntu
3. Write in the command line: “perl” and press Enter. The following interface will appear.

4. If you press Help the following interface will appear.

5. When the program finishes with the generation of the sequences a notification widget will pop up.

We have created two computer programs for sequence generation of hammerhead allosteric ribozymes (a oligonucleotide-sensing ribozyme generator, and an inverse ribozyme generator) with YES Boolean logic function that work under Linux/Unix. They are based on algorithms published in Nature Biotechnology and are written in Perl/Tk. The programs are free to use for academic research and you can apply for them by contacting us. The software is under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or at your option any later version. GNU General Public License v3.0 form - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation. For the programs' installation guide click here. That research is funded by grant KP-06-H31/18/13.12.2019 awarded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF). This research is published in Computers in Biology and Medicine.